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12:23am 11-28-2022
Shirley lauriesmommy
Jeanna I am so sorry to read about the terrible tragedy that took your son Jeff's life. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
8:33am 08-28-2018
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am sorry that i did not get here to post yesterday, but I have been keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you remembered your precious son Jeff for his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:42am 07-27-2018
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Jeff on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
6:42pm 08-27-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - i wanted to let you know that i have been thinking of you and your family as you remember your Angel Jeff for his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:55am 07-27-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Jeff on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:54am 07-27-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Jeff on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:49am 08-27-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - i wanted to let you know that i have been thinking of you and your family as you remember your Angel Jeff for his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
9:22am 07-27-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Jeff on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:08am 08-27-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am sorry that I was not able to sign here yesterday, but i wanted to let you know that i have been thinking of you and your family as you remember your Angel Jeff for his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
1:30pm 07-27-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Jeff on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
2:04pm 07-26-2015
my wishes for many wonderful memories
7:23am 08-27-2014
Christopher's mommy
Dear Jeanna - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Jeff on his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
10:09pm 08-26-2014
Thinking of you and Jeff and praying you have a good week.
4:35pm 08-26-2014
Norma Jean~Marjorie
Jeanna, Remembering Jeff in so many ways and enjoying the memory garden with you. It has been too long since they have left us, but if the gardens here we work on are beautiful, Heavens gardens are going to knock over with joy to be with Marjorie and Jeff again and Jesus. My heart is with you and so blessed to have you as my friend on earth.. God bless and keep you and many wonderful thoughts of Jeffery are sent.. May the birds bring you messages from him and may you enjoy your grandchildren more and more.. Love, hugs and blessings, Norma Jean
3:02pm 08-10-2014
I remember Jeff, of course, and his big grin. This is a beautiful tribute to him. I love you, Jean and Fred. Joan
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